NYC Elevator Company
New York City Elevator Service provides custom-tailored preventive maintenance programs designed by our professional team to be long-term and cost-efficient. They are engineered to provide all your elevator parts; including mechanical and electrical, with proper service at the proper time. Our skilled elevator mechanics are always at your service to protect your interests 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Through the implementation of expert elevator services and maintenance, elevators and escalators are kept at peak performance levels while high cost elevator repairs, overtime, and down-time inconveniences and kept to an absolute minimum.
When most people think about elevators, they think about getting on, pushing a button, and getting to their floor. We think about all the complex work that went into making that simple act of operating an elevator possible.
Elevator Repair Service
NYC Elevator is a licensed contractor offering complete elevator maintenance and repair including specialized vertical and inclined transportation. NYCEC can handle all types of elevator projects- from maintenance, repair and modernization, to compliance work to new installations. We’ll take care of your project from conception to completion, in a timely, cost-efficient manner. We have experience servicing and maintaining all types and sizes of elevators from high-rise to 2-story buildings.
Like any equipment, elevators need maintenance and repairs on a regular basis to keep mechanical and electrical equipment running with optimal performance. Keep your elevators running at peak performance with NYCEC elevator maintenance experts as your reliable NYC based elevator company.
With a knowledgeable staff of expert elevator trouble shooters and engineers, we have established ourselves as one of NYC most reputable elevator companies. Our clients include those very buildings that you see in the skyline New York City, from 2 stories to high rise buildings, from historical buildings to modern skyscrapers. The business of elevators has no margin for error. Call someone you can trust from experience. Call NYCEC Elevator Services!